Ten Tips for a Successful Move with Your Pet
Moving to a new home is a big undertaking – and it can be even more challenging when you have a pet. The good news is that with some planning and preparation, you can make the transition for you and your pet as smooth as possible.
1. Make sure your pet is comfortable in its crate. A comfortable, secure crate keeps your pet calm and happy. Ensure it’s large enough for your pet to stand up and turn around. You may also want to place their favorite blanket or chew toy inside.
2. Familiarize your pet with moving boxes and supplies before packing. Moving can be stressful for pets, especially when it involves a lot of packing. Try to familiarize your fur baby with the boxes and supplies you’ll use before packing. For example, you can play with your pet near the boxes or briefly practice putting them into the crate.
3. Take your pet on walks around the new neighborhood. Finding a quiet spot to get to know their new surroundings will also help them become accustomed to the new smells and sounds and make them feel more at ease when the move occurs.
4. Keep your pet’s routine as consistent as possible. Animals are creatures of habit and can become stressed when their routine is disrupted. Therefore, it’s best to keep your pet’s routine as consistent as possible during a move.
5. Increase your pet’s exercise. Moving is a stressful experience, and ensuring your pet gets enough exercise during the entire process is essential. Take your pet on long walks or hikes once you have settled into the new home. Exercise is an excellent outlet for releasing all their pent-up energy.
6. Have plenty of blankets on hand that smell like your old home. So many animals find comfort in familiar smells. Having blankets that smell like the old home can help them adjust to the new one. Place the blankets in your pet’s crate or their favorite sleeping spot, so they have something to cling to when feeling stressed.
7. Introduce your pet to new people and animals gradually. Moving to a new home often means meeting new people and other animals. Make sure to gradually introduce your pet to new people and animals in a controlled environment. Give your pet time to become accustomed to them without feeling overwhelmed.
8. Be patient with your pet. Remember to be patient with your pet during the moving process. Stress and fear can manifest in many ways, and your pet’s personality may change slightly. Call an expert if you start to see signs of aggression in your pet.
9. Hand carry all pet medical records and medications. During the move, it’s best to hand-carry all of your pet’s medical records and prescriptions. Doing so will ensure that your pet’s medical history and medications are always on hand in case of an emergency.
10. Moving also means updating your pet’s microchip information. In addition, you’ll want to ensure your contact information is current so that if your pet gets lost, it can be reunited with you as soon as possible.
Moving with your pet can be a trying experience, but it doesn’t have to be. With some planning and preparation, you can make sure the transition is as stress-free as possible for you and your pet.